Doctor of Business Administration


This program provides in-depth understanding of business administration and equips learners with the skills necessary for high-level leadership positions. It aims to enhance both the executive and professional abilities in the field of business administration.

Program Particulars

The program offers extensive insights into business administration and helps the learners become eligible for senior-level leadership opportunities. It d professional practice of business administration that encourages learners to break complex business and management issues by applying thorough research and practical knowledge. 

One of the many programs offered by Manipal GNU, the online DBA degree is recommended for senior executives, managers, educators, consultants, and academicians. All the course material is made available online, keeping in mind the learners' tight professional and personal schedules, and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The program is fully accredited by MQA, the Malaysian Government Authority for Educational Accreditation. It is government-level accreditation which is also recognized in most countries and also recognized by the Thai government (กพ.) as well.

Program Structures

Minimum 3 years ( 9 Semester),

Maximum 5 years


**We accept credit transfers from various accredited universities, subject to approval by the Academic Senate.

Stage 1 :Business Modules 

* The subjects can be exempt if the applicants use working experiences via APEL C method, please call 02 1143748  

Stage 2 :Research Modules Stage

Stage 3 : Dissertation  

The course is supervised by expert faculty with excellent industry experience and allows applying the latest concepts and research methods to a real-world issue within your own organization or business entity. 

Learning Strategy and Assessment

Prospect Learner

Career Opportunity

Fee  Please contact our advisor at the telephone number  (+66) 02 114 3748 Ext. 100 , 101, 111  or email to or official line are @aemcenter , and @advex