Doctor of Philosophy  in Education 

Manipal GlobalNxt University

PhD in Education 

The program is specifically geared for professional practitioners in education from public or private schools, community or government agencies, training departments, institutions of higher education, and other education-related settings aspiring to be researchers.

Program Particulars

The Ph.D. program in education allows working adults to focus on problems that matter to them and their employing Institutions the most. Instead of navigating through multiple modules covering theoretical concepts, this program requires learners to complete only three research modules to obtain a doctoral qualification. The schedule is flexible enough to allow learners to select their area of research across diverse areas such as outcome-based education (OBE), curriculum development, pedagogy and assessment design, adult learning, learning styles, adaptive learning, technology in learning, active learning, early childhood education, remote learning, open and distance learning (ODL), learner life cycle management, life-long learning, experiential learning, accreditation, internationalization of teaching and student mobility; credit-based learning; and massive open online courses (MOOC). 

The program is fully accredited by MQA, the Malaysian Government Authority for Educational Accreditation. It is government-level accreditation which is also recognized in most countries and also recognized by the Thai government (กพ.) as well.

Program Structures

Minimum 3 years ( 9 Semester),

Maximum 5 years


**We accept credit transfers from various accredited universities, subject to approval by the Academic Senate.

Research Modules Stage

Doctoral  Thesis/Dissertation  Stage

Learning Strategy and Assessment

Fee  Please contact our advisor at the telephone number  (+66) 02 114 3748 Ext. 100 , 101, 111  or email to or Official Line are @aemcenter , @exedu and @advex